Dear canine friend, you want to come on holiday with friends bipedal?

It may be possible, it provided that:

  • You have made the necessary vaccinations and flea treatments (bring vaccination booklet)
  • Not large breed because it would be a problem alloggiarti. ****
  • You’re a well-behaved dog that did not gnaw the furniture and does not bark inappropriately.
  • Your owners understand your needs and care about you (think so if they think they bring with them)
  • Use a leash when walking to the lobby.
  • You can not access the dining room and the pool.
  • Unfortunately you can not go to the beach because a Regulation of the harbor prohibits access to the dogs to the coast.

If these few rules are fine and you think you will accept them will be welcome.

You can take a nice walk in the park of Conero
We’ll give you a room with a balcony as cool as possible if your masters warn us in time

We wait for you.

Download Rules Pets

*** If you are a medium size dog big or large, we can point you in a good pension for dogs:

1) with pick-up and delivery on demand

2) “House of the Dog” and responds to the number 071-801039 inside the Conero park with large green areas and run by a lady really loves animals.

dog-550876_1920Story found on the net …
From an Irish history: Such walks into a hotel and asking if you can stay there with your dog. The answer is this: A dog? My dear Lord, in my experience I have never had to call the police because a dog was drunk, I do not you ever give me a bad check, he never burned blankets, smoking and never put the hotel towels pack.
So if your dog guarantees, may come too.